Lead Now

What happens in schools matters. Schools sit at the heart of community and every child wants a quality school experience: a place where they feel physically and emotionally safe, where they feel accepted and valued.


Dream it

Every young person needs to leave school equipped to lead themselves and their relationships with courage and confidence, so they can become productive youth citizens in their communities and in their world.

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LEAD NOW focuses primarily on training teachers: investing in their leadership potential and raising standards in classrooms.

Teachers LEAD themselves to a new level of excellence, both personally and professionally: sharing the life-leadership principles they have learnt with their students, planning their lessons with greater dedication, being more efficient in time keeping, and growing stronger, kinder relationships with their pupils.

We want all children to grow into adults who have the skills and mind-sets that will enable them to lead themselves well: having developed the ability to face life’s challenges, navigate failure, and become resilient by nature.


Build it

Life leadership principles are simple to learn, but difficult to practice.

In LEAD NOW both adults and children cover the same content material - learning topics include:

  • Discover my potential

  • Develop my heart & character

  • Challenge my mind-sets (self limiting mind-sets)

  • Learning how to write my story

  • Managing my money

  • Leading a project (using my leadership to benefit others)

They then use the 12 pupil lessons provided, to start and run Leadership clubs in their schools.

The young people of the world are the leaders of the future. They are already with us and they look to the adults around them to help and equip them to flourish and emerge into great leaders of the future.