Leadership for life

Leadership for Life is a dynamic, facilitated learning experience based on timeless leadership principles with a strong bias towards action and a proven track record in unlocking the potential of individuals and teams.

Writing your own life story can make all the difference


Leadership for Life is the core from which we draw our programme plans.

We work closely with our partners to shape the content to suit their goals. With flexibility, we ensure a methodology that best suits the context. If scale is a consideration we would use a Train the Trainer approach: a full 5 day programme designed to equip trainers with the ability to share these transformative principles with their community’s and colleagues. By investing in local trainers these empowering principles remain within the communities.

Depending on the outcomes or impact that you have in mind, the programme may include:

  • Lead Yourself: mindset shift, behaviour change, life leadership skills & capacity building

  • Lead Your Finances: financial literacy, budgeting & saving

  • Lead Your Project: livelihoods & entrepreneurship

  • Lead Your Team: developing an inter-dependent approach

Whilst our programme can be used at any point, we believe, that placed as ‘the thing before the thing’’ it acts as a catalyst that accelerates and multiplies the impact of any training that follows.